Monday, February 27, 2012

They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard!!

Since I have like no homework today (for once!!) I will celebrate by posting a video you've all probably heard or seen before. .................I think it's hilarious and it always manages to get stuck in my head. ;] Enjoy!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Why CLONES????

First, I would like to apologize for my long absence. I had no initiative to do any writing over break (which was odd) except for the last few days. That included the blog, where I would just sit there and think of what I could possibly write. It is a blog after all, and now, judging by the number of writers following me on Twitter (which by the way is AWESOME!! It is so cool to see how many neat writers are out there and how cool they are in real life. Just mind blowing!) I think I should finally write about writing. (pun intended?? I don't even know if that was a legit. pun.....whatever I'm Xp)


Lately, as I usually do when I'm on a writing rampage, I begin to question why I am writing about the characters I am. This would bring me to the question of "Why on earth did I decide to write about CLONE TROOPERS???" Don't worry, I did the same thing to Jango when I finally finished the fourth part to his book (which I did first...don't know why. Wanted to try working backwards perhaps. The whole story is basically completed in my head, just still have to write the whole thing down!!). I think perhaps that other writers may do this. It helps clarify the purpose of why they're writing the book (or books) in the first place.

I think the answer is, quite simply, I am intrigued by them.

I used to looove the Jedi, especially Obi-Wan. Then I got the Battlefront 2 and Bounty Hunter games, and this one amazing book by Karen Travis (which if you are a clone fan-person, or want to be, I highly recommend Republic Commandos: Hard Contact........Just saying. It'll either inspire you or make you see that whole war from a completely different perspective. Or, as for me, both.) and that's where it all began. I also was realizing at that time that being a Jedi fan-person (no offense to Jedi fan-people out there) wasn't as gratifying as it is with the clones. Jedi have these powers that we can't really imagine that well. They also have a code (I accidentally typed Cody there because I'm so used to typing his name....OBSESSION! :p) that they have to follow (usually) and all this training.

I loved the Jedi Apprentice books but I felt a little like they were always breaking the rules. Maybe it was just me. So I got confused with why it was ok sometimes to break them and other times it was completely unorthodox and made you "falling to the Darkside". I guess I got too confused on why they Jedi could do all this amazing stuff with their powers but in the next second weren't doing what I thought they were capable of before!

So anyways, I couldn't really connect/reconcile with what the Jedi were doing and their reasons for doing those actions. Too me it seemed like more and more they were only worried about each other or the natives rather than, let's see...the Clones! 8[ And the more I saw that happening, the bitterer (that's a weird looking word 8| ) I became that they were excluding the troopers from their efforts to preserve life. I understand that, in the interests of the stories of the show or games or movie, this was necessary in order for the story to progress, but I just had a hard time understanding why it was the clones that always had to die. :L If you watch the Citadel arc (Don't want to spoil it for anyone....) there is a part where they are scaling down a cliff and the droids shoot some of their grapple-lines so some of the men fall. Do the Jedi even attempt to help them, or ease their fall as they did with Captain Rex on Geonosis or each other?? Nope! (Chuck Testa!) I love how Cody and Rex's heads are right in the direction of where those poor guys are falling before they go splat. :( And they have people on their backs!!! Ahsoka and Piel don't have anyone, how easy would it be to use the Force to cushion the trooper's fall. >:{ I'm positive if Rex or Cody had the Force they would have acted and done something about those two guys even with the injured clones on their backs. All I could think of was "What a waste of everything.What a waste.."

But anyways, that was just an example of what I see.

Now for the big question: What's kept me writing about clones???? Yeah, perhaps it could be the rage-writing that I do after witnessing something like what I was talking about earlier happen. :D But I think it's the fact that....clones are just dang interesting.

If you've ever read war stories, real ones, you'll get what I'm about to talk about. (If you haven't you should try to read at least one in your life--if not just to say that you did ;)--because they are really stirring.)

All at once I just wanted to get inside their heads and know what the war looked like from their eyes. I wanted their stories, their experiences, their trials, the weird feelings they felt sometimes and couldn't put a name to because clones aren't supposed to feel love or fear or compassion or empathy......basically I wanted their brains! (muh-hahahahaha!) I wanted to know more about them. Simple as that. And the few books or Clone Wars episodes actually satisfying this were too few to answer all my questions. So that's what makes me fill in the gaps, "make it up" as my sister would say.

I get really consumed by it though. I go and do soooooo much 'research' (finding out how tall they really are, what they eat, mentality, personality, if people actually even like them!, and stuff I want to be precise about) so I can get it right. It's not that I can't make up characters or create personalities or features that readers will come to like, but rather, that I try to not step on other writer's toes. Not only does this create confusion but it kinda makes me look like I didn't even try to learn what other writers had set in stone for these characters. Not that I don't have any original characters, hopefully you'll eventually get to see some of the clones I've 'made up'. And if I were the one writer who's story and perspective got totally ignored in another person's book I would feel pretty bad, so I try with all my might to get the stories to mesh with the ones that are already out there.

It's probably one of the most difficult/time consuming things out there. I'm lucky though because the topics I'm covering (aka clones and Jango Fett....) have already been covered in great detail by incredible writers like Karen Traviss or Haden Blackman so it's my duty to respect these stories that have, for one, inspired me to even begin writing!! To forsake or deform what they've already put down isn't right. And if I can't use my creativity to find a way to do this than I am lacking a skill that would do their stories justice. I'm also fortunate that despite the depth that has been put into these works, clones and Jango aren't widely used cores of the usual Star Wars stories. They're exclusive which may explain their rising popularity. Isn't it true that people sometimes go more often to that small, unique coffee shop in town rather than the big one. Or the growing popularity of chickens being raised not only for eggs but as pets (chicken questions? Ask me! XD).

I think that if a writer can move his or her readers emotionally then they deserve their books to be public. If they can create a story that the readers fall in love with, one that keeps them interested, inspires them, then that author deserves their books published. The only problem is that how many authors are out there that never have their work seen or chosen for publication? Sorry I digress... :p

Cody has really grown on me ( :L That sounds kinda awkward but I don't know how else to put it. :\ ) along with some of my other characters. I just LOVE the stories I gave them. Ok, spoiler alert (..kinda :7)!! Something I love about my 'battle' books is that sometimes, in the evening, the clones all sit around and tell stories. Like everything, this does kinda reflect my life when I used to tell my sister clone stories, but also this is a place for me to weave backgrounds for these characters. They talk about their pasts, places they've been, people they know, legends (which is hard to do now that they're all serving under a legend X} ), and sometimes break out really deep stories It's so incredible.....I can't tell you. Sorry. :p

Another thing I love is the places they all go to as a group. Each place has a theme "and that is all I am authorized to reveal." -Alpha (or is it!? 8}. This was actually kinda hard to do because most of the planets that the clones or Jedi had been to we've already seen in vivid detail during the shows or movies. And I had to choose ones that the Republic had actually been to, more so Cody. Lucky for me (well not so lucky :\ ) the Clone Wars tv show hasn't really shown us a lot of episodes that had Cody doing his thing (*insert smug smiling face nodding head here*) nor the planets he was on. I also choose planets that aren't really described on any of the Star Wars websites nor in the books (because they killed off the best anthropologist in Star Wars land EVER!! >8[ : GREE!!). That allows me to use the crazy ideas I have in my head to create an environment and culture which is so much FUN!!! Most of the planets do have a few small facts about them: 600 billion people, reptillian humanoids, ect. That just makes it more fun to shape a culture or habitat around these facts so that it remains canon and doesn't tread on anybody's toes. ;)

Though, I must say I like the sparsely populated planets a bit better. There's something about putting men who've never seen the outside world in a beautiful place with curious people and interesting surroundings that is just so cool to me. I hope you will all, some way or another, get to read my books to find out what I mean by this. I think it's another reason why I like clones so much. It's because they're just like us when we see a different species of alien or planet in the Star Wars universe. We're like, "Whoa! That guy looks like a giant sea cucumber!" or "What's that weird squishy plant with the moving vines!?". It's this curiosity and just plain awe that really touch me when I see troopers react to a new place. Next episode look for the guys who don't have to be so formal, most likely they're looking around like crazy! I think it's cute/funny/interesting. Maybe I like clones because they are appreciating the galaxy they live in and the beauty around them and their life rather than being so concerned with the Darkside and who likes who (cuz apparently all the Jedi are in love with someone at some point in their lives, well not all of them 8\ ).

So yeah, I've created whole 'soundtracks' (collections of songs from CDs or iTunes downloads) on my iTunes library. I have a notebook stating exactly what's going on during these songs and in what order they go. I've had whole sections of my books created by mere songs. Pretty crazy right?!

I love the many valiant and selfless things that troopers do as well. The last thing I can think of that I admire about clones is their unflinching humor. I never thought the Jedi were very funny. The only one I ever laughed at was Yoda during The Empire Strikes Back and during this one book I read. The banter between Obi-Wan and Anakin is ok but it seems like they kinda over do it. :L It really takes a sharp eye and ear to catch all the clone's jokes. Just today I laughed so hard I cried watching the second preview for The Hunt for Ziro (yeah, it came out a while ago but I haven't gotten it yet. :[ ). There's this one part where Quinlan jumps off the Lartie (Laat'i for non clones ;) and lands on the deck...Cody makes this 'huh' laugh like, "Why was that necessary?Why couldn't he just wait for the ship to land?" or "OOOHHH great!". I was actually watching that video to find out how Cody was standing, just a pose! and I ended up giving myself a gut ache cracking up over what I realized Commander Cody was really doing. Or when Fives and Hardcase are 'flying' the Umbaran fighters--more like swirling around in the air. And their facial expressions and whooping sounds was too funny. I was crying I was laughing so hard! XD One doesn't see Jedi making those sorts of jokes.

So there you have it. A gigormous speel about clone troopers.  Hope you survived alright! X) I might add more if i think about it. 

Want music to that?? ;) It's quite epic and I like listening to this song and others for my 'battle' aka clone books. Enjoy! :D

Monday, February 13, 2012

Obi-Wan's got gas! (soundboard)

What happens when Obi-Wan gets the gas and is being rude around Cody? Also find out what Cody's simple answer to this is! :D

.... Congratulations, you're not shinies anymore! ;)

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Commander Cody animation. (not done by me)

Ignore what the word in red may be. :( This was not created by me but I still thought it was kinda cute, and I always like to see how other people imagine Cody. :)

Friday, February 3, 2012

Sad Clone Video. Dante's Prayer. :'(

This made me cry on multiple occasions. Especially the ending (probably because it has Cody). Hope you like it!