Monday, July 30, 2012

More Works in Progress!

    Here are some other drawings that I've been working on. They're kinda old, as you can see. I've been quite busy lately so it's sad that I don't have as much time to draw as I did before. :L Hopefully I'll get to finish them so you can see what they look like when completed. :) 
  The top one is of General Grevious that I did using Bonnie Burton's How to Draw Clone Wars book. Once again I didn't really copy the picture they wanted me to (because I'm horrible and can't copy pictures that well :/ ) and kinda went off and did my own thing. I really liked Grevious' cloak and wanted to draw it all torn  up. Also I love his feet from Revenge of the the Sith (I know that sounds weird X7 ) and wanted to draw/shade them as close to that movie's as possible. However, the hints posted on the side (next page in this drawing book) were really helpful in grasping how he goes together. I had never really drawn General Grevious so this drawing really excites me and the book was a good helper! :D
   The bottom drawing is of an alien from one of my books named Illume. She's pretty cool. She's like half human, half reptile creature. Her left hand was bothering me so as you can see I've erased it. Illume's not quite done yet, I've still got some more shading to do with her clothes, legs, and arms. She was fun to design because I wanted to capture the merging of both human and reptilian structures. I think the size of her eyes is the most prominent feature of this. I don't know if it's just me or what but I feel like her body is a little disproportionate. :L I'll keep trying to figure it out. ;) She was fun to draw--I love her little mushroomwood bucket!-- and I hope you'll someday get to read about her. :D

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Look What I Found!! >>Old Batman Book!

  The search is finally over!! A few days ago I discovered the long lost book that basically got me into drawing! Here are some photos of it (yes that is my blue wall and blue blanket....I guess I'm just a blue person. "Am I blue, Am I blue,...." X3 ). One can clearly see the epicness in which these pictures were constructed, from the old one (second pic.) to the newer art (third one). I didn't draw any of these. Instead they inspired me to begin to draw. I hope you enjoy them as much as I have. :D

Monday, July 23, 2012

Batman gets a Kiss from Wonder Woman

I know I'm on like a Batman rampage but I just think this is sooo cute! (P. S| I love how the super strong heroes and ape-people do absolutely nothing to help him. He is the last person who should be attempting to dig a woman out from beneath a giant bomb-missile thing! And yet Batman tries. XD)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Batman Tribute Drawing

   I watched The Dark Knight Rises last night with my best friend Colby, and though it wasn't quite as epic as The Dark Knight, I still loved it and managed to dispel most of the water in my body through my eyes afterwards. X) I won't get into too much detail about what exactly made it such an emotional film, that (a review) may come later, but I can say that it was a mostly satisfying ending to one of the many stories of my favorite hero.

    So anyways, unlike Avengers, I was filled with so many images after the movie that I could barely contain my sanity. ;) So I drew this one moment in the film that felt the most epic, the most symbolic of what I love about Batman. If you've watched the movie you'll know what part this picture is of (unless it's too sloppy to make out ;). I drew this late last night then filled it in this morning. It's kind of a quick sketch as I wasn't intending to even fill it in until this morning! I was just trying to get that image down onto paper. Hope you enjoy, it was a fun draw! XD And go see the movie! It's worth it!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

Clone Drawing By My Sister

Here is a drawing of Private Daniel and his son, done by my sister, Diana! :D She hardly ever draws clones so I'm keeping this one forever! XD I drew her Katniss in return. Daniel is the guy on the bottom and his son, Alec, is on his shoulders. This is an 'infinities' concept, however, because Daniel never gets married nor has children (which is unfortunate because they'd be just as cute as he is!). I just sported the idea in one of my graphic novels which is essentially the events of my books placed in a fanatical order with different results. Basically an "infinity" category of what happens in my books. :) Private Daniel is a character made up by yours truly and he is one of the secondary/main-ish characters in about 5 or 6 of my books. Hope you enjoy, and please feel free to check out my sister's tumblr as she is just starting to draw again and is sketching characters from the books she is constantly reading. X) ->

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

The King's Song: "Scrub Scrub Scrub"

   Here's one of the random songs I've been listening to/ had stuck in my head (next to "captain america throws his mighty shield" [HISHE version >:} ] and "Have you got my location?" from Arkham City soundtrack). This was not made by me, but I still think it's awesome though! :D Hope you get a laugh or too out of it well!  

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tools of the Trade

   Wondering what I use to draw? It's really nothing terribly expensive or special. :) Just some random art utensils. Here are my "weapons of choice", hope you enjoy! :D :
     1) My favorite drawing pencil. I use it mostly for final lines or to draw dark hair (which I draw a lot of 8).  And the small eraser is great for removing unwanted lines or marks in tight spaces. It's a mechanical pencil so I like how I never have to worry about sharpening it. X)
     2) Primary layout pencil. It's like a H2 or something so it draws super light lines. I like using it for the sloppy/scribbly first lines that I make when I'm just getting the idea down onto paper. Before my Grandpa gave me all these nice H2 pencils I had been using regular HB ones. With HB, it's a lot harder to erase and often I would be stuck with a 'ghost' in the background. Now I can almost leave the primary lines in because drawing light is no problem with this pencil!
    3) This is my 'random pencil'. During college I didn't like to carry around my pencil case so I would just use a regular mechanical pencil for shading or fine lines. I also use a pencil like this to do my random doodles or quick sketches.

   4) The blending tortillon (not quite sure how that's spelled :/ )! This is a must for anyone who would like to draw smooth textures, from skin to flowing material such as the metal of Jango's Westars. It also comes in handy when one wants to draw, faint, almost marker-like, shadows. An artist can even use  it to draw an entire picture--all you need is some graphite or charcoal on your tortillon. As you can see, my tortillon is darker on one side than the other (since it is sharpened at both ends). This is for when I want to blend either dark or light areas I would use the corresponding  end so that the additional graphite on my tortillon won't make the shading too dark when I want it to be light. (Kinda confusing, sorry. :/)

   5) Dark line graphite. This is the pencil I use to do thick or dark lines in a background. It would probably also work for drawing quick, scrawly sketches. Like a background I use it to draw large dark objects as well. Ones that don't have a lot of color or texture discrepancy that would require precise details. A good example of what I would use this pencil for, other than backgrounds, is things like space or Batman's cape.

Whatever drawing utensils you use always remember to choose ones that feel right in your hand and that you are used to handling. A good drawing doesn't require one to have expensive art materials, rather a plain old pencil and an imagination. :) Good luck on whatever you may endeavor to draw! :3

Thursday, July 12, 2012

My Minecraft Adventures!

  Ok, so this is the first building thing I've made on my new Minecraft that my best best best best (*a trillion XD ) friend gave me. I called it Torchlight (random name I know. :p ) and it's like a little outpost on a canyon wall overlooking a lake. There's lights all over in those glass things so one can see it from afar at night. I am currently working on a boardwalk path that leads through the forest and wherever I choose to make my next structure. :) I've also been constructing these floating globes that I call 'markers' because if I'm lost I need only to climb to a higher elevation and see them to know where the path is. I'm planning on building some things/places from my books so please keep an eye out for those as well as I get to them. XD Enjoy! (p.s| sorry the picture is so small, that was as big as I could make it without having it hang off the side. :/ If you right click on the picture and select the "open in new tab" you can see it as a larger screenshot. :D )

Monday, July 9, 2012

Commander Cody Drawings--The Leap (final)

  Yay! The final for the 'leap drawing' is here! I finished it while I was on vacation. The bottom portion seems a little plain so I may add stuff to it later. So this picture is of Cody leaping off a building that is exploding in the background. Enjoy! :D

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Slow-mo: Kites (birds of prey)

   Check out this interesting video I just found. I like birds a great deal (hence the number of old hens I have X3 ) and thought this really showed how cool they are! :D One can really see how precise and controlled hey are when they are flying. Check it out! :]

Drawings by Me! --Works in Progress

  Here are some things that I have been working on (because if I didn't do anything creative this summer I would probably shrivel up and die. :p :) ). These are all from my Clone Wars books that I've been writing. I don't want to give too much away of the plot but I'll tell you as much as I can about what's going on in the pictures. :} Enjoy!

  This is an android named Seven. Essentially he and his kind are guardians to their Masters. Seven is a good guy. An interesting aspect about his character is that he is a droid trying to be a human. I really wanted to explore this concept of an inorganic being trying to be more like and understand a living creature. The only thing I regret about Seven is that we don't really get to see a whole lot of him, as he does not appear directly in my CW novels until the end. :L This is because I really don't want the other characters to be hindered by his presence (he's one of those characters. :) aka the one that explains everything in the end.....) Perhaps I will think of a way to integrate him into earlier novels so we can get some more screen time with him. ;) Sorry, his shoulder is kinda shiny. The light is reflecting off of the penciling there. :/
  Sorry if this one is kinda hard to make out, I was trying to pencil lightly so it wouldn't show through when I paint over it. This is a canvas that I have penciled in the environment for one of my books. I haven't finished quite yet, Cody is kinda floating in the air right now. X7 It's a mushroom forest (I almost said 'mushroom kingdom'. in a Mario voice. :/ ) that Cody, Ryan, and Watt are patrolling somewhere in the beginning of the story. Sorry if you don't know who any of those clones are (except for Cody, perhaps). Hopefully I'll be able to show you all my concept drawings of them sooner or later. :7

Friday, July 6, 2012

All My Chickens!!

Here are all the chickens I currently have. Enjoy! X) I will post their names under their pictures. You will probably notice right away that there are more pictures of some of them than others. This is because a few of the chickens were afraid of my camera for some reason and I had to catch them to get a good shot of their faces. X7 While others, like Black Beauty are very photogenic and don't mind the camera one bit. :D I've also just realized that I forgot to photograph my hen, Raven! :c I will have to make it up by taking LOTS of pictures of her then posting them at a later date. ;]

Steam (my Dad named her that because that was his chicken breed of choice when we were ordering and he's a fan of steampunk. :7 )

Poofyhead (sorry, this is an old picture. His 'hair' is even crazier now!)

Black Beauty

Little Chick (I know random name. ;P That's what happens when you're a little kid naming your pets. You pic whatever comes to mind first. )










Sugar (being a broody mother and staying in the box all day. :P )


My Apologies

As you've probably noticed, I've been absent from this blog. My only excuses stand as 1) college related stuff, 2) work related stuff, 3) lots of housework to do. :p All in all, please accept my apologies. My promise is that I at least post once a day, for the rest of the summer. :)