Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The "Scariest" Moment in Mindcraft (according to this one guy)

Well, this is the scariest moment in this one guy's Mindcraft experience and I think it's actually kinda funny. ;) Enjoy hope you laugh whilst jumping out of your chair.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Things that BLOW My Mind

Ok, try to think or imagine these things that I am about to tell you. You're mind may explode! :0

1) Try to imagine colors other than the ones we all know (visible spectrum).

2) Try to describe lifeforms that do not resemble anything that we have seen on Earth.

Crazy right!? I thought of these a long time ago (like a few years!) but finally got around to sharing them. Makes one really think about the billions of possibilities that are out there that we can't even imagine. Also brings to light the fact that no matter how crazy our alien descriptions may be, they all tend to boil down to basic things that we've seen. (Like: octopus+human+crab+venus flytrap=the deadly coocoolaka monster!! 8)

I'll Make a CLONE out of You! song :D

Yay! Clones! The song and the troopas make this awesome! ;) Enjoy!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Funny Baby video! (ripping paper)

Baby laughs at ripping paper. It's sooo cute! Always makes me laugh! Have a good day! :D

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Where's Cody!! 8C

So yeah, if you've been watching Clone Wars you've probably noticed an (unfortunate) absence of --well let's face it-- PROBABLY THE COOLEST GUY EVER!!! (sorry Colby) The season is winding down and I, being the obsessed person I am, am freaking out a little bit (there's only one more episode left!!!!!!!!! X0 ). Ok, so we did see him once in the 'Adultnapped' episodes-arc but he didn't have much action (other than almost getting hit in the face by Anakin's elbow, a holoprojector torn out of his hand, trying to help his dying men while the Jedi ordered him to do something that they should have been able to sense in the Force....! Me=RAGE!! >8p ) and my biggest concern: he didn't take off his helmet!!!!!!!!!!!

So I think this could mean or result in two things (other than me drawing a million sketches of his face and writing more epic scenes of him in my books XD).

1) They just didn't feel like putting a lot of him in this season for whatever reason (that's too easy of a reason for me, remember I am complexity ;)

2) Or (I'm dreading this) they're setting it up for something (really mean!) to happen like him killing Rex or/and Ahsoka. Or maybe going through some weird mood change {8C  and totally being evil to everyone.

Like I said, I'm really dreading that last notion, as my books are portraying him as a good guy no matter what happens. Doesn't mean they'll get published but I can't not write these stories as they are right now. Also, these are just speculation and I could be totally wrong (which I hope I am). Just needed to put those thoughts out there. Hope this didn't scare you Cody fans too much. Remember you can make stories about him too. :)

Professional Pirate song (star wars style :)

The beginning thing is a little weird but I didn't make the video so I can't complain. Just skip ahead to the song if it bothers you. I like how it looks kinda like they're actually singing some of the lines! And gotta love the amazing solo by Cody in the end! XD Enjoy! :)

Star Wars according to a 3 Year Old--FUNNY! XD

I got a kick out of this. I'm pretty sure I used to call Obi-Wan Obi-Kenobi back then too. X) Oh and don't forget about the "big thing that blows up stuff" ! XD Enjoy everybody and have a good day! :D