Monday, November 18, 2013

Minecraft 1.5 seeds

Here's some seeds that I made/explored. The seed name or number (the code that is put into the seed generator) will be underlined and have an >> in front of it. These seed names appear exactly as I have made typed them. I will include screenshots of the seeds throughout the description. Enjoy! X)

Please Note: 1) I do not have a gaming computer. I like my pc, but if you notice that there appears to be some chunking going on and the landforms or ground haven't completely formed, this is the reason. ;)
2) For whatever reason, I don't have notes for some of the worlds. I must have lost my notes or forgot to take them. :p

>> Cody: Island with inland lakes. Oak and and jungle trees. Not many chickens but plenty of cows. Secret caves that, so far have their entrances pointed seaward. I've built a house through one that has openings all interconnected through a central 'cave'. It doesn't really descend very deeply into any cave systems that I could find, and ultimately ends very quickly. Perfect for a house though. Not many hills or other extreme landforms. Lagoons. Coal near the entrances to every cave. This would make a good survival map as wood and stone are readily available and there is a good number of cows to get food from.

>>CC2224: Moderate amount of wildlife. One easily mineable wide, open pit with iron and coal. Spawnpoint is within dense jungle.

>>Haiku: Spawnpoint = winter biome. Not a lot of wood at all until you get into the woodland biome or the jungle biome bordering on a desert. There's a ton of sheep too.



>>Skyrim: Good mix of biomes (save for mushroom). Has a good deal of food sources. Very impressive and strange mountains and hills. Spawnpoint is on the boarder of a jungle biome directly facing the mountains. :)

>>Pandora: Plenty of precious ore down at lava layer. Lots of cows on plains. Jungle biome as well. TONS of cows and sheep. This would be a great seed for a starter survival world.

>>Tron: dungeon at the opening of a cave: x=246.18805 ; y= 58.000 ; z= 425.12204 ; f=3 (east). Nice hilly forests (jungle and winter biomes). Lots of wood. Ok amount of ore--> Mines are somewhat shallow without a good deal of digging. The systems in the jungle and winter biomes are much more deep and vast. Jungle temple @ x= 204.73217 ; y=83.632 ; z= 290.28419 ; f= 3 (east) . Nice mixing of biomes in some areas. Neat little river.

I realize that these are all very outdated but it is taking me too long to write while Notch keeps awing us with new versions. I apologize for having this come out so late. Pretty screenshots? *hopeful smile*