Friday, August 31, 2012

Hurray for Captain Spaulding!!

Here's a random song that I had stuck in my head when I woke up this morning so here it is! X7 This whole song just cracks me up. This movie is so funny. Gotta love the Marx Brothers! Hope it makes you laugh too! XD

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Here's how HISHE thinks The Dark Knight Rises should have ended. All in all, I thought it was a great movie. Hope you get a laugh out of this one! X3 (Yay! Now it works!! XD)

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Inception Mashup!

   Here's a mashup my good friend Colby sent me a bunch of months ago that I just recently remembered. ;p I just love the beginning. The song from the Snowman movie (forgot what it's called) mixed with Time from Inception is just incredible. I don't really care too much for the parts after Time drops out of the mashup though. :L Still it's worth a listen and just brings back good memories about various parts of pop culture. Hope you enjoy! :D

Friday, August 17, 2012

A "Touching Story"--Heavy's Birthday!

"Would you like to hear a touching story? Here's a touching story!" (some language but still a load of laughs! :)

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Saturday, August 11, 2012

More Batman Drawings!

I know, I'm insane/obsessed. XD Here's another drawing I did of Batman that was inspired by The Batman tv show. The first is the original pencil and the second is when I went over it with greyscale markers and colored pencil. Enjoy! :)

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's About Time!! SKETCH DUMP!!

Sorry I've been so infrequent. It's been taking me a while to get everything on the way to getting done while worrying about other things. :p Oh well, such is life. I may get a Devianart account though, so perhaps you will get to see more of my drawing stuff on there! :D I've just got to find enough time to finish up some things. Tomorrow I have off so hopefully I can deliver! :7 Enjoy this random 'sketch dump' featuring clones, Cody, Batman, Asajj Ventress' knife, and more!

P.S| Lol, that piece of paper looks like a toilet seat. ;7 This just goes to show how desperate I am when drawing sometimes: junky pen, scrappy paper, random orange marker..... X3

Friday, August 3, 2012

Clone Soap! XD

   Ok, so last weekend I went over to my Aunt Cheryl's house and we went shopping and made soap. I absolutely loved the scents I used for mine! For the yellow one (named 'glowing mushrooms' after both my book and how it looks like its glowing in the sunlight) I used a lemony smell, and for the blue one (named CLONE SOAP!) has a minty smell that I described as the smell of the clone troopers's soap in my books. Kinda random post but I thought it was fun! :D