Monday, October 31, 2011

Ultimate Dog Tease (Colby found this one)

Colby found this one like a million years ago so the credit for it's hilarity goes to him. ;) The dog reminds me a lot of Nate.

Exile: Amateria coaster ride!

This is one of my favorite parts of this game! :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Good profile of my concept of ONE. ;)

I put this one on here for quick reference for some movement/fight stances for ONE, Jango's artificial intelligence aboard his Firespray.

The music sounds like it's by Daft Punk which made me think of Tron. Haha. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Another soundboard. Five star rated!

What happens when Jar Jar interupts the Jawas' and Ewoks' rap? Let's just say Cody has a 'big problem'!
This is probably one of the best ones I've created.

And...The Star Wars version!

Love Jango going in reverse, it looks like he's flying!

NUMA NUMA GUY! ~I can't believe this wasn't the first thing I put on here! Numa Numa Guy!

I'm finally putting some of my art on here! Enjoy! :)

Here's a sketch from my unfinished graphic novel about Cody and his army. I like it because there's little to no Jedi in it and the perspective is from a bunch of different clones. There's a lot of stories in this one! Here Cody is doing his typical face-palm. He's a little stressed at the moment as you can see!

Here's an unfinished scene of Red and Cody. I did this one about two years ago. I'm hoping to do some more so I can see my progression.

This is a sketch I did quite recently. Here's a close up of Jango. The full picture is below.

And this is a close up of Thadius' gun. I love the glowing light things on the side and the springs at the end too!

Here's a close up of the Death Watch. Creepy right?!

Here's the full picture. It's a scene from my book where Jango is fighting a mutant alien Death Watch.

Here's a recent painting of Commander Cody. Behind him is supposed to be sky. I got the idea from a picture  on a slide show from Clone Wars: Citadel Rescue. I loved it so much that I had to paint it.

A drawing I did of the Coruscant Underworld. Notice Jango watching the people on the traverse-way below (above right). I did this and the next few sketches years ago!

"The Man" walking to his box seat in the theater. I don't know if I should use this in my Jango books but it seems to be a pretty good concept for something!

This is some villain that I created during an drawing class in high school. He's backstage in this picture.

Same creepy bad-guy.

This is a painting I did for an art class in high school featuring "The Man" (aka Jango).

This is a picture I did for a Brit. lit. class in high school. It's Grendel from Beowulf, but as you can see I snuck my Death Watch concept in there.

Here's a close up of Grendel's nasty face!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Funny clones!! XD

I like how cody is so awesome in this one. The bleep and numa numa make it even more random. Clones are awesome and CODY (BLAAARG!) rocks!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CLONE STRONG: The clone wars needs more clones...

This actually made me cry a little (I know, I'm a whimp when it comes to clones and epic music). Features some awesome ninja Cody skills. I don't know about anybody else but I think the clones' stories are three trillion times more epic/emotional than any of the Jedi's. We're always hearing about the Jedi and all their stories are the same (well mostly). There's something about them that makes me so interested in their stories. (Hence the abundance of Cody books.) I'll tell you when I think of what it is. :) I think it might have something to do with not only the way they're treated, but what they do. They don't have Force-powers but they still manage to carry the war practically on their backs. They blow themselves up to save butt-loads of people. I don't think I could blow myself up could you?! ....Anyways, deep thoughts....Remember the clones!! They're awesome!! :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011


#1: Jango and Commander Cody
   >>cuz they are so cute and hardcore. Jango gets the crap beaten out of him like a million times but never gives up. Same with Cody, his Jedi General totally misuses him and he still turns around and makes it so Obi-Wan looks like he dies but actually goes free. (don't even get me started, that's a whole different post!)
#2: Batman and Sherlock
   >>(Don't know why I keep pairing people, I just can't decide which is awesomer.....) Batman.....the name says it all. Favorite scene? The one at the end of Dark Knight--you can't beat that hardcoreness and that selflessness. (attributes similar to Fett and Cody). Sherlock Holmes is just kick butt too. You need the Jeremy Brett (the actual canon) version though to see what I'm talking about. Robert Dowery Jr. does a good job, but that's just not Sherlock's behavior. Maybe somebody else but not Holmes.
#3: Master Chief, Optimus Prime, and Abin Sur
   >>This is Colby's fault. :) Mixture of Jango and Cody and something else. I don't know what it is with guys wearing helmets, they're just really awesome. Optimus Prime is just kick butt. He's like the Mandalorian of the Autobots. Abin Sur is cool too. (probably only because Temuera Morrison played him in the latest Green Lantern movie) You can't beat his death scene.
#4: Hatter Madigan
   >>He's definitely a mixture between Batman, Jango, and Sherlock. It's the top hat.



Wow.....It seems as though the only thing I've entered into this sight is videos. Hopefully that will change soon or later. For right now I'm just blown on some of the stuff that's on YouTube (one of the greatest inventions ever....). My recent outburst has been Batman related (guy is #3 on my awesomest characters list. Comming only after Jango Fett and Commander Cody {cuz i wuuuuuuuvvvv them!!!!!}. Wait...I don't know! Batman is cool but cooler than Sherlock? I don't know....Sherlock and He are now tied.....WHY AM I TALKING ABOUT THIS UNDER A VIDEO ABOUT MR. PRESIDENT'S SECRET NINJA IDENTITY??????) post.....

Probably one of the most beautiful parts in Halo....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Feels like I'm talking to myself....oh well :)

  This blog is going to be extremely random. I was going to do updates and stuff on the seven some books I've been writing (whoa! just realized that there is like seven! That's one of my lucky numbers!!! ). Also I wanted to show you some of the drawings I've been doing. I'll also try to talk about the crazy (well...not so crazy....) stuff       I'm up to. Like 'writing sprees' or the many weird dreams I have. (and I just realized I can't indent.. :P) I'll also blab about the stuff I realize (if anything). Like yesterday I realized that not a lot of people can draw stuff from their mind. Random, I know....
I'm looking at the Lucasfilm recruiting site right now. I'm interested in concept art (because I absolutely LOVE drawing CLONES!!!! XD and I think that there should be more on the clones in the Clone Wars's just my opinion). I'm also going to look at who I'm going to talk to when I talk books with them. (I'm so excited to get them published!!!......That's if they get published....  :L )
Right now I'm at this art voting thing getting my lone pencil drawing (I'll show you the earlier pictures of it) judged for the campus literature and art booklet. No offense to any one who entered their stuff but some of it looks really conspicuous/ boring-random. :L My drawing is like the only one that's actually of a scene from something. I like to make people wonder what's going to happen or use their imagination to who the people are or what's going on. Rather than just a foot surrounded by words or some paintsplatter abstract painting. Bla...:P I don't like abstract! (can't you tell).
Well, I better look at the new art. Talk later!

More vids.....

My video rampage....... Trolling Saruman