Saturday, October 22, 2011

I'm finally putting some of my art on here! Enjoy! :)

Here's a sketch from my unfinished graphic novel about Cody and his army. I like it because there's little to no Jedi in it and the perspective is from a bunch of different clones. There's a lot of stories in this one! Here Cody is doing his typical face-palm. He's a little stressed at the moment as you can see!

Here's an unfinished scene of Red and Cody. I did this one about two years ago. I'm hoping to do some more so I can see my progression.

This is a sketch I did quite recently. Here's a close up of Jango. The full picture is below.

And this is a close up of Thadius' gun. I love the glowing light things on the side and the springs at the end too!

Here's a close up of the Death Watch. Creepy right?!

Here's the full picture. It's a scene from my book where Jango is fighting a mutant alien Death Watch.

Here's a recent painting of Commander Cody. Behind him is supposed to be sky. I got the idea from a picture  on a slide show from Clone Wars: Citadel Rescue. I loved it so much that I had to paint it.

A drawing I did of the Coruscant Underworld. Notice Jango watching the people on the traverse-way below (above right). I did this and the next few sketches years ago!

"The Man" walking to his box seat in the theater. I don't know if I should use this in my Jango books but it seems to be a pretty good concept for something!

This is some villain that I created during an drawing class in high school. He's backstage in this picture.

Same creepy bad-guy.

This is a painting I did for an art class in high school featuring "The Man" (aka Jango).

This is a picture I did for a Brit. lit. class in high school. It's Grendel from Beowulf, but as you can see I snuck my Death Watch concept in there.

Here's a close up of Grendel's nasty face!

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