Saturday, February 29, 2020

Bic Round Stic Ballpoint Pen 0.7mm Review

These are perhaps one of the most common and recognizable pens around. Cheap and surprisingly long-lasting these are a mainstay at service desks, outdoor work, and even ballpoint pen art.

@TheOffice 0.7mm Mechanical Pencil Review

It's unfortunate that these are hard to come by any more. They were decent pencils in my high school and college days--something I used almost as much as my Bic 0.7mm mech pencils.

Paper Mate Vibz Mechanical Pencil 0.9mm Review

Sorry if the image of the written review is a bit hard to read; I must have taken a poor photograph. I may have to rewrite this one for this reason.

The "Other" Bic Hub Pen