Thursday, December 22, 2011

Cat Wrapping!

My awesome Aunt Cheryl found this one and in the spirit of Christmas, I put it on. Too cute to miss! :) And it kinda looks like Dragon (our cat).

Monday, December 19, 2011

James Newton Howard talks about his awesome music!! XD

This is really cool and, being one of my favorite composers, just downright fun! He offers some good advice and insight into what makes his music so awesome. I personally thought it was interesting how much writing and music are linked. The ways you go about writing are very much alike how you would compose something. Just goes to show how much deeper thinking is going into score writing and story writing. Hope you enjoy this. :)

Futuristic Droid X Commercial

I remember this one from seeing it at a movie. At first I seriously thought that it was an upcoming film or something. Hahaha! Pretty interesting commercial though. Love what happens to his arm! 0__o Hope you enjoy it.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Groucho vs. Kinda Scary Guy on You Bet Your Life

 In celebration of my survival of the first semester of college (which isn't that hard, just got to think like a good clone :) here is this hilarious video! Enjoy!

The Twelve Days of Christmas.....CLONE VERSION!!XD

This is totally random, and a spoof on the real holiday song but I can't get the dang thing out of my head so thus this..... Maybe I'll add funny picture/drawings later!

[Imagine song playing]

On the first day of Christmas my true love sent to me: a paratrooper in a pear tree!

On the second day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Two turret guns and a paratrooper in a pear tree!

On the third day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: FIVE CLONES THAT SING!!! 8D Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the sixth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Six 'nades for flailing, FIVE CLONES THAT SING!!! Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the seventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Seven squads a swinging, Six 'nades for flailing, FIVE CLONES THAT SING!!! Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the eighth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Eight medics a-healing, seven squads a swinging, six 'nades for flailing, FIVE CLONES THAT SING!!! Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the ninth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Nine larties looping, eight medics a-healing, seven squads a swinging, six 'nades for flailing, FIVE CLONES THAT SING!!! Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the tenth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Ten DCs a-blazing, nine larties looping, eight medics a-healing, seven squads a swinging, six 'nades for flailing, FIVE CLONES THAT SING!!! Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Eleven snipers sniping, ten DCs a-blazing, nine larties looping, eight medics a-healing, seven squads a swinging, six 'nades for flailing, FIVE CLONES THAT SING!!! Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my true love sent to me: Twelve gunners gunning, eleven snipers sniping, ten DCs a-blazing, nine larties looping, eight medics a-healing, seven squads a swinging, six 'nades for flailing, FIVE CLONES THAT SING!!! Four stalling speeders, three entrenched men, two turret guns, and a paratrooper in a pear tree.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

New York Pictures

This is from the time my high school band took a trip out east this summer. Great times! (I'll upload names of places later.)

Monday, December 12, 2011

My chickens! (like about four or five years ago! :P)

This is kind of an old chicken movie that I made with my little compact camera about four or five years ago. The rooster you see jumping in the nesting box was Coocoolale (don't even know how to spell his name, poor guy) and a lot of the other chickens you see are dead now. :'( But keep in mind that they all lived into the ripe old age of about seven. The only one that died before that age was Grace, but that was because she had respiratory problems from the get-go which can't be cured (it's one of the flaws of that breed, the Light Brahmas). This movie is so old that it doesn't even have the new chickens! Also keep in mind this is the dead of winter when the coop gets kind of dirty because they are stuck in there twenty four- seven. Also you'll see that they are clustering around the sunlight because it was like 20 below that day. You probably heard me laughing at Coocoolale and Charlotte (little spunky brown and white speckled chicken). Anyways, I kept this forever because Coocoolale was my favorite rooster of all time (sorry Poofyhead), he never attacked us or anything! He was such a sweety. Rest in peace good chicken.

Oh, and I do not live on a farm or have like a million other pets. The chickens I have now number about 15. I have a dog and a cat and my sister has a little bunny. I'd say that's pretty decent for living on the outskirts of town. I have a gas station and a very small outlet mall a couple blocks or so from my house. It's just that our house came with a chicken coop so I guess my parents figured that we should fill it with chickens. It also doubles as a shed for my mom's gardening supplies. What's awesome is that the nice elderly people who live in the retirement home that's right next door to me come over to watch the chickens. Everyone lives on 'our' side of the retirement home so they can watch us working in the garden or the chickens in their ginormous fenced in green space. To keep the chickens from getting bored in the winter, or even all year around for that matter, we give them yummy things to eat like grapefruit rinds and old bread. Right now our two oldest hens are 12 (Charlotte and Dotsie). These chickens are pets not food. The only thing we eat is their eggs and we let them live for as long as they can.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Some more sketches!

This is a drawing I did of Commander Cody jumping off an exploding building. It's a scene from one of my 'battle' books and it's kind of hard to see what's going on right now. It'll become clearer in the following pictures. I like to draw scenes from my books so I can best visual what's going on, who's involved, and the precise details of the scene without writing a single word. I find that this helps me describe better what's happening and realistically what the character is feeling. I find that it's good to draw a wide variety of 'shots' (as I often visualize my books as movie scenes) and not just the actiony ones or the romantic ones. This is where concept drawings come in handy, as they are just drawings of how you plan something to look (like a building or a person) and they're not really doing anything else.

This is the first stage of this drawing, just the bare outlines. I was using a how to Star Wars book to help me draw his muscles. It's by Bonnie Burton and I would definitely recommend checking it out (even though how to draw this specific picture isn't in it because it came out of my imagination! I can only draw stuff out of my head) it really helps! I used the 'how to draw muscles' and the 'hands' part of the book to help me draw Cody's body. X} Oh yeah, I also used the 'character perspective' part too to draw him at a different angle that I usually do.

Here he is as time progressed. I tend to draw in the meager five to ten minutes before my physics class because there's not enough time to do much reading or other homework. Thus my classmates would generally ask questions and comment about what I was drawing. I make sure to tell them that it took A LOT of practice to get to this point and that I was horrible at drawing people when I was a little kid. (Which makes me wish that I still had my earliest sketchbook. Unfortunately it was lost. :[ ) I also gave them tips on how I learned how to draw: You just watch people and observe how the light reflects off of them. I'm a firm believer that anyone can learn to draw from their imaginations if they really try, and that the main thing is understanding how stuff looks or moves so you can draw it and shade it right. Observation definitely plays a big role in knowing how to draw stuff. Being a writer helps too because I'm already observing people's reactions, features, and moods in order to best describe them in my books.

And here is the (nearly) finished product! :D As you've probably realized, this is not Cody's normal garb as I thought that it would be interesting to put him in a different armor to match the more stealthy feel of the story. I also wanted something that showed a bit more flesh (even though it's under a bodyglove) to entice the heroine's notice. (*gasp!* OOOOO!!!! 8] ). And besides, drawing muscles is FUN!!! (really it is!)

Here's the concept drawing of the stealth armor. As you can see, he's got his helmet on (notice the similarities to the normal clone t-visor design and also a nod to Rinzler aka Tron's helmet) and his gear. I also showed what he looked like from a rear view (like the spine thing? it was inspired by Issac Clarke from Dead Space suit). At the top right hand corner you can faintly see how his head fits under the helmet and the 'release' sequence (aka how he gets his head out of it! :) Kind of in the middle, around the top of the page you can see, faintly, (I'm sorry for the not so great photo :L) how his jetpack would fit around his shoulders and it's design. It's not shaded yet so hopefully I'll be able to get a close up/better picture of it for you. Towards the bottom you can see the stretchy wrap thing that goes over his head and some of his gear and weapons.

Love his abs! XD

 Hope you enjoyed this and, with luck, I'll be able to post some more once I draw a little bit more! :)

Duck Soup funny scene (Marx Brothers!)

This is one of my favorite scenes from the Marx Brother movie, Duck Soup. Got to love Harpo, he's hilarious! XD

Friday, December 9, 2011

Mr. Bean rides the train (choo choo :)

Mr. Bean's innocence is worse than Private Daniel's!! XD (Daniel is a character in my book.)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Addicting Indian song! : Tunak Tunak

This song is (almost) guaranteed to have you bobbing your head or humming along by the end of it. And, either way, you'll undoubtedly have it stuck in your head for some time after. Try to beat my record of three days. :)

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Trololo Guy!

This may be creepy in some parts but it's actually kind of a fun song. And it's got the words so you can sing along or lip sync like a pro. ;) Enjoy!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Undying Love on Piano!! :D

This is the nearly flawless version of one of my favorite all time songs by Two Steps from Hell. Listen to the actual version after this one and you'll see how good his ear is. I can only play stuff by ear. It's like who cares what key it's in, just play it like it sounds! ;) Hope you enjoy! (my favorite part is the beginning in both versions)

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Favorite CLONE WARS episodes (so far)

~Rookies: It can be summed up in one word: sacrifice. (and I said I would write about why clones are interesting, here it is!) Jedi have been taught their whole lives that death is nothing and that to sacrifice oneself is honorable, therefore I would say it is easy for them to die and get over it. Now compare that to a clone trooper. Nobody ever told them that "Oh, you're going to go into the Force the same as any Jedi so sacrificing yourself it really honorable." or " You're a great person!". They had no reassurance, no confidence in what happened when the inevitable happened, nothing. That's why their deaths meant more, because they gave their lives from their hearts, not from anything else. Dying is one of those things I used to be terrified of, now I've told myself what I think is in store in the afterlife and have gotten over it. I can't even fathom what fear they must feel at the point when they realize it is their life that must be given. But then again, the courage and their good hearts is what inspires them to give to the last full measure.

~Darkness on Umbara, The General, Plan of Dissent, &Carnage of Krell: Love, love, love the Jedi/clone conflict in these ones. I'm a firm believer that this wasn't the only example of Jedi mistreating their men. Think of Quinlan Vos, though he was essentially a 'rogue' Jedi, his actions toward Bly ultimately got that commander on the wrong side of the Jedi. And he practically physically beat Faie when the clone was trying to reason with him. It's Jedi like these that are at fault when considering the outcomes of Order 66. And what's even more troubling is the varying degrees of misuse done by good Jedi like Obi-Wan or Mace Windu, even Yoda! I think the only Jedi you can see exempt from this would either be Anakin or Kit Fisto. Skywalker's will to save Rex is awesome. I think the Jedi just have a hard time coping with the outcomes of fighting alongside unForce sensative clones and realizing that this attachment isn't bad, that they should embrace it as a simple act of kindness and concern toward's a group of individuals who could easily die in the next minute. Their failure to acknowledge that was what turned the clones off towards them. (MEGA SPOILER ALERT!!) Also I'd have to say I bawled my eyes out when Waxer died in "Carnage..". Who couldn't after seeing how sweet he was and what an important roll he played when he comforted Numa on Ryloth. 

~The Hidden Enemy: I like this one because it was the first one that directly confronted the issue of the Jedi's 'use' of the clones. You can also see the conflict beginning between Cody and Obi-Wan which I love because Kenobi doesn't realize what's going through his commander's head. He also doesn't realize that it's not just Slick that is sick with the way he sees his brothers treated. You can totally see it in Cody's face at the end-- he's not stupid. I just love how he fights it though. He doesn't want to believe that his own Generals are beginning to forsake them a little bit. I think it completely justifies why they went through with Order 66. Even though Cody more or less saved Obi-Wan's life by making it seem like he had died only so he could get away. In my books (literally) Obi-Wan (like the rest of us) goes on thinking that Cody did it on purpose and without consideration to their friendship, up until the end when he meets the clone again. Kinda sad but I love it. Shows us that you don't have to be a bad guy to do stuff wrong.

~Cloak of Darkness: Because it has Gree kicking butt in it! :) Gree would have to be my second favorite clone commander because as a person, he's really interesting. I mean, how many clones are culture buffs?! He 's like the anthropologist of the GAR. And I think that's awesome!! Kinda makes you wonder what some of these guys could have been after the war if there had been a happy ending. :'( In compassion he was almost equal to Cody.The good guys lost a great man when they killed Gree. He's going to have a special place in my books.

~The Deserter: I just love the line where Rex says "Because I'm part of the most pivotal moments in the history of the Republic. And if we fail, then our children, and their children will be forced to live under an evil I can't well imagine."
I think this is a great representation of not only the rich gravity of the Clone Wars but Rex 'growing up'. At first I really disliked him because he kept calling the younger clones 'shinies' and seemed like he was showing off all the time. Now that I've seen this one and Darkness on Umbara, I think we really get to see him becoming more 'Cody-like'. The reason why I used that is because Cody always seemed to be the elder clone, he always was quiet and humble when it came to Rex's escapades. I think he was standing back and letting the captain find out for himself what it really meant to be a clone and even human for that matter. Cody of course (in my books) began as a lowly private and saw the worst you could see. He knew how precious life was. It was in that way that Commander Cody comes across as a deeper, wiser clone. (I can't wait to see him on Season 3!) When Rex left that house, he had 'grown up' in a way.

Innocents of Ryloth: Not only was that a great representation of what compassion clones are really capable of but also the Jedi's ignorance to what they actually feel. (I'm sorry if I'm hating on the Jedi a little too much but this is just what I see them doing) True Obi-Wan was just trying to help too, but the part where he literally snatches the Twi'lek kid away from the people who actually found/saved her always makes me mad. It's like Kenobi is thinking: Why is she hanging around them? They don't even speak her language. The natives are supposed to converse with only the Jedi. Only we can understand their needs. That's just what it felt like to me. I make sure to cover this in many of my 'battle' books where I explore the natives' reactions to both the Jedi and the clones. Just a clue: It's very different! The clones seem to have a more casual yet more 'deep' (ideologically: as in what they talk about) relationship than the Jedi, which are served respectively but not as closely as the clones. The reason being, clone troopers can't sense a person's intentions or morals like a Jedi can and therefore can only come to a conclusion by talking to the person and using their amazing attention to detail to decide whether the person is bad or good. In this way, they are actually making more contact with the native inhabitants of the planets. Which is something I'm sorry we don't see more of in the Clone Wars show because it's the Jedi who are always the spokesperson and negotiators, not the clones. Another failure of them to engage the total assets of the clones.
   On a more positive note, I love how the clones don't exactly know what to do to comfort her. It's clearly very awkward for them and you can see that when they go to her house. I think the episode did a great job illustrating this awkwardness. I also love how it shows human compassion and how much a part of a person it really is. Even though the troopers couldn't precisely identify what they felt or what to do, simple gestures like a pat on the head, a hug, or calm speaking are clear examples of what humans do to comfort people. If you watch the episode now you will probably see that Waxer did more acts of kindness to Numa than Obi-Wan. The Jedi picked her up but he didn't really talk to her like the clones did. Think of what would have happened if the troopers had never found her. The mission would have probably failed, save for Cody's intelligence would have most likely been their sole savoir.

Jedi/clone conflicts website!

I found this really interesting! I just love the conflicts illustrated in these last couple Clone Wars episodes!! :) This sort of friction is one of the main themes in my clone 'battle' books. Read to get as sense of some examples of what I'm talking about.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Ultimate Dog Tease (Colby found this one)

Colby found this one like a million years ago so the credit for it's hilarity goes to him. ;) The dog reminds me a lot of Nate.

Exile: Amateria coaster ride!

This is one of my favorite parts of this game! :)

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Monday, October 24, 2011

Good profile of my concept of ONE. ;)

I put this one on here for quick reference for some movement/fight stances for ONE, Jango's artificial intelligence aboard his Firespray.

The music sounds like it's by Daft Punk which made me think of Tron. Haha. :)

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Another soundboard. Five star rated!

What happens when Jar Jar interupts the Jawas' and Ewoks' rap? Let's just say Cody has a 'big problem'!
This is probably one of the best ones I've created.

And...The Star Wars version!

Love Jango going in reverse, it looks like he's flying!

NUMA NUMA GUY! ~I can't believe this wasn't the first thing I put on here! Numa Numa Guy!

I'm finally putting some of my art on here! Enjoy! :)

Here's a sketch from my unfinished graphic novel about Cody and his army. I like it because there's little to no Jedi in it and the perspective is from a bunch of different clones. There's a lot of stories in this one! Here Cody is doing his typical face-palm. He's a little stressed at the moment as you can see!

Here's an unfinished scene of Red and Cody. I did this one about two years ago. I'm hoping to do some more so I can see my progression.

This is a sketch I did quite recently. Here's a close up of Jango. The full picture is below.

And this is a close up of Thadius' gun. I love the glowing light things on the side and the springs at the end too!

Here's a close up of the Death Watch. Creepy right?!

Here's the full picture. It's a scene from my book where Jango is fighting a mutant alien Death Watch.

Here's a recent painting of Commander Cody. Behind him is supposed to be sky. I got the idea from a picture  on a slide show from Clone Wars: Citadel Rescue. I loved it so much that I had to paint it.

A drawing I did of the Coruscant Underworld. Notice Jango watching the people on the traverse-way below (above right). I did this and the next few sketches years ago!

"The Man" walking to his box seat in the theater. I don't know if I should use this in my Jango books but it seems to be a pretty good concept for something!

This is some villain that I created during an drawing class in high school. He's backstage in this picture.

Same creepy bad-guy.

This is a painting I did for an art class in high school featuring "The Man" (aka Jango).

This is a picture I did for a Brit. lit. class in high school. It's Grendel from Beowulf, but as you can see I snuck my Death Watch concept in there.

Here's a close up of Grendel's nasty face!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Funny clones!! XD

I like how cody is so awesome in this one. The bleep and numa numa make it even more random. Clones are awesome and CODY (BLAAARG!) rocks!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

CLONE STRONG: The clone wars needs more clones...

This actually made me cry a little (I know, I'm a whimp when it comes to clones and epic music). Features some awesome ninja Cody skills. I don't know about anybody else but I think the clones' stories are three trillion times more epic/emotional than any of the Jedi's. We're always hearing about the Jedi and all their stories are the same (well mostly). There's something about them that makes me so interested in their stories. (Hence the abundance of Cody books.) I'll tell you when I think of what it is. :) I think it might have something to do with not only the way they're treated, but what they do. They don't have Force-powers but they still manage to carry the war practically on their backs. They blow themselves up to save butt-loads of people. I don't think I could blow myself up could you?! ....Anyways, deep thoughts....Remember the clones!! They're awesome!! :D

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sunday, October 9, 2011


#1: Jango and Commander Cody
   >>cuz they are so cute and hardcore. Jango gets the crap beaten out of him like a million times but never gives up. Same with Cody, his Jedi General totally misuses him and he still turns around and makes it so Obi-Wan looks like he dies but actually goes free. (don't even get me started, that's a whole different post!)
#2: Batman and Sherlock
   >>(Don't know why I keep pairing people, I just can't decide which is awesomer.....) Batman.....the name says it all. Favorite scene? The one at the end of Dark Knight--you can't beat that hardcoreness and that selflessness. (attributes similar to Fett and Cody). Sherlock Holmes is just kick butt too. You need the Jeremy Brett (the actual canon) version though to see what I'm talking about. Robert Dowery Jr. does a good job, but that's just not Sherlock's behavior. Maybe somebody else but not Holmes.
#3: Master Chief, Optimus Prime, and Abin Sur
   >>This is Colby's fault. :) Mixture of Jango and Cody and something else. I don't know what it is with guys wearing helmets, they're just really awesome. Optimus Prime is just kick butt. He's like the Mandalorian of the Autobots. Abin Sur is cool too. (probably only because Temuera Morrison played him in the latest Green Lantern movie) You can't beat his death scene.
#4: Hatter Madigan
   >>He's definitely a mixture between Batman, Jango, and Sherlock. It's the top hat.



Wow.....It seems as though the only thing I've entered into this sight is videos. Hopefully that will change soon or later. For right now I'm just blown on some of the stuff that's on YouTube (one of the greatest inventions ever....). My recent outburst has been Batman related (guy is #3 on my awesomest characters list. Comming only after Jango Fett and Commander Cody {cuz i wuuuuuuuvvvv them!!!!!}. Wait...I don't know! Batman is cool but cooler than Sherlock? I don't know....Sherlock and He are now tied.....WHY AM I TALKING ABOUT THIS UNDER A VIDEO ABOUT MR. PRESIDENT'S SECRET NINJA IDENTITY??????) post.....

Probably one of the most beautiful parts in Halo....

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Feels like I'm talking to myself....oh well :)

  This blog is going to be extremely random. I was going to do updates and stuff on the seven some books I've been writing (whoa! just realized that there is like seven! That's one of my lucky numbers!!! ). Also I wanted to show you some of the drawings I've been doing. I'll also try to talk about the crazy (well...not so crazy....) stuff       I'm up to. Like 'writing sprees' or the many weird dreams I have. (and I just realized I can't indent.. :P) I'll also blab about the stuff I realize (if anything). Like yesterday I realized that not a lot of people can draw stuff from their mind. Random, I know....
I'm looking at the Lucasfilm recruiting site right now. I'm interested in concept art (because I absolutely LOVE drawing CLONES!!!! XD and I think that there should be more on the clones in the Clone Wars's just my opinion). I'm also going to look at who I'm going to talk to when I talk books with them. (I'm so excited to get them published!!!......That's if they get published....  :L )
Right now I'm at this art voting thing getting my lone pencil drawing (I'll show you the earlier pictures of it) judged for the campus literature and art booklet. No offense to any one who entered their stuff but some of it looks really conspicuous/ boring-random. :L My drawing is like the only one that's actually of a scene from something. I like to make people wonder what's going to happen or use their imagination to who the people are or what's going on. Rather than just a foot surrounded by words or some paintsplatter abstract painting. Bla...:P I don't like abstract! (can't you tell).
Well, I better look at the new art. Talk later!

More vids.....

My video rampage....... Trolling Saruman