Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Link References

Here's some references that I snapped for my friend, LucrataNexarii, on dA. She was looking for some to use for making sculptures and other art, but there just weren't any out there in Google Images. So here they are!

These first ones are like my attempt to catch his whole body so you could see the pattern of his light-accents on his suit.

And these ones are more expression/lighting/features focused. 


NOTE: I did not make these images in any way shape or form. I am simply helping a friend out by giving her references to use for her art. You can check out her awesome artwork on dA: 

If you like anything you see here, please check the Tron Uprising out. I got it off of iTunes and it was worth every cent. It is definitely NOT just a kid's show. It's like watching TAS Batman level stuff with the amazing storytelling, voice acting, artwork, and action. And that's coming from someone who basically worships clone troopers. ;D Definitely one of my top favorite shows.