Sunday, December 11, 2011

Some more sketches!

This is a drawing I did of Commander Cody jumping off an exploding building. It's a scene from one of my 'battle' books and it's kind of hard to see what's going on right now. It'll become clearer in the following pictures. I like to draw scenes from my books so I can best visual what's going on, who's involved, and the precise details of the scene without writing a single word. I find that this helps me describe better what's happening and realistically what the character is feeling. I find that it's good to draw a wide variety of 'shots' (as I often visualize my books as movie scenes) and not just the actiony ones or the romantic ones. This is where concept drawings come in handy, as they are just drawings of how you plan something to look (like a building or a person) and they're not really doing anything else.

This is the first stage of this drawing, just the bare outlines. I was using a how to Star Wars book to help me draw his muscles. It's by Bonnie Burton and I would definitely recommend checking it out (even though how to draw this specific picture isn't in it because it came out of my imagination! I can only draw stuff out of my head) it really helps! I used the 'how to draw muscles' and the 'hands' part of the book to help me draw Cody's body. X} Oh yeah, I also used the 'character perspective' part too to draw him at a different angle that I usually do.

Here he is as time progressed. I tend to draw in the meager five to ten minutes before my physics class because there's not enough time to do much reading or other homework. Thus my classmates would generally ask questions and comment about what I was drawing. I make sure to tell them that it took A LOT of practice to get to this point and that I was horrible at drawing people when I was a little kid. (Which makes me wish that I still had my earliest sketchbook. Unfortunately it was lost. :[ ) I also gave them tips on how I learned how to draw: You just watch people and observe how the light reflects off of them. I'm a firm believer that anyone can learn to draw from their imaginations if they really try, and that the main thing is understanding how stuff looks or moves so you can draw it and shade it right. Observation definitely plays a big role in knowing how to draw stuff. Being a writer helps too because I'm already observing people's reactions, features, and moods in order to best describe them in my books.

And here is the (nearly) finished product! :D As you've probably realized, this is not Cody's normal garb as I thought that it would be interesting to put him in a different armor to match the more stealthy feel of the story. I also wanted something that showed a bit more flesh (even though it's under a bodyglove) to entice the heroine's notice. (*gasp!* OOOOO!!!! 8] ). And besides, drawing muscles is FUN!!! (really it is!)

Here's the concept drawing of the stealth armor. As you can see, he's got his helmet on (notice the similarities to the normal clone t-visor design and also a nod to Rinzler aka Tron's helmet) and his gear. I also showed what he looked like from a rear view (like the spine thing? it was inspired by Issac Clarke from Dead Space suit). At the top right hand corner you can faintly see how his head fits under the helmet and the 'release' sequence (aka how he gets his head out of it! :) Kind of in the middle, around the top of the page you can see, faintly, (I'm sorry for the not so great photo :L) how his jetpack would fit around his shoulders and it's design. It's not shaded yet so hopefully I'll be able to get a close up/better picture of it for you. Towards the bottom you can see the stretchy wrap thing that goes over his head and some of his gear and weapons.

Love his abs! XD

 Hope you enjoyed this and, with luck, I'll be able to post some more once I draw a little bit more! :)

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