Tuesday, September 11, 2012

My Minecraft Adventures! --Part 2!! Starting Templar

Here's some screenshots of one of my latest worlds I've created. I've called it Templar. I downloaded the Glimmar's Steampunk texture pack, so the mobs (various creatures like spiders or zombies) all are steampunk now. Even the villagers are steampunk which is really fun too! :D The random building was built at my spawnpoint (the first place you arrive at when you start the world). It's called Arcwood and is built around about 3 trees. I play creative mode because I like flying around and sparing the lives of the numerous chickens. X) Hope you enjoy!

The exterior of Arcwood.

The first thing you see when you walk through the door. I placed some pistons shortly inside the doorway at the beginning of the walkway. This is what they look like after you activate them via a lever.

Continuing on along the walkway, the main tree (left trunk) that I've build the house around. I've added some of the cool torches around the trunk and some bamboo off to the side (just because I like the way it looks :).

The crafting room. Those metal looking things are actually jack-o-lanterns (I think they're supposed to resemble old diving helmets), I thought they looked cool so I added them to the room. The crafting table itself has moving gears and lights!

This is the hall one takes to get to the crafting room. It spans over three trees, hence the name Arcwood. :)

The random 'bedroom' (if you could even call it that. :p It's more like a loft.) with the awesome steampunk bed!

Creeeepy zombies! There are actually about four different 'types' of zombies with this texture pack. This happens to be the half-n-half one. There is a three fourths of the way rotten one and various automaton looking ones.

Yes, my minecraft skin is Commander Cody and yes, he is wearing a 'leather cap' complete with brass goggles. X)

Feeding the clockwork wolves. :)

Huge chasm that reminded me of Joker's grin. X3

Two automaton villagers. Note, one is a librarian.

Steampunk spider!

I found a total of three dungeons so far on Templar, all of them in a dessert, and one that was only buried by a single layer of sand. 

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