Monday, February 25, 2013

Tron Uprising Music Video

This song is so addicting, even though I don't quite get the vocals (though I'm glad they're not some cheesy lyrics). You can find the full version on iTunes. This happens to be a remix of the main theme with added vocals.

This basically encompasses everything I love about Tron Uprising (commentary on that coming up! :D) except that they leave out my favorite character, Tron (except for that little bit in the beginning)!!! :C Oh well, I love the song and the way it complements the amazing qualities of the show's footage. I mean look at the art and the perspective and the shooting. It's spectacular!! I say this show is better than even Clone Wars (yep, you heard me right!) and I'm a diehard clone fan!! :) And best of all the story is intelligent and thought provoking.  I highly recommend this show to anyone who loves a good story. The only place I was able to find the episodes was off of iTunes but please support the hardworking, talented actors and people making this possible by getting it from iTunes. My favorite episodes so far are Identity, the Scars Arc, No Bounds, and Terminal. But this is mostly because they feature Tron and his stories which I find to be very intriguing. :) Enjoy and please watch in HD! ;D