Friday, April 20, 2012

Cody's Stealth Armor Close-Ups

  Well, here are the final close ups of Cody's stealth armor. It is currently hanging on my dorm wall right now so if you notice some random brick in the background that's my wall. X) I was just too lazy to take it down. ;p Also I realized that one might mistake Cody for being some sort of super skinny person because of what appears to be his ribs showing. However, this is not the case (Cody is an average, healthy guy right now). What one might mistake for ribs are actually a flexible supports that resemble ribs but are actually to protect his sides from injuries and stuff like that. 

  So yeah, this was pretty much me practicing how to draw muscles and stuff proportionally. Sorry if you can't read my handwriting. It is a little sloppy and gives away a few 'spoilers' for one of my books (not 'big' spoilers though). I do a lot of drawings that are 'from' my books. If you are writing and also know how to draw or would like to learn how to draw, this is a good way to get into sketching. Because you know what your characters look like and the places they're in it really helps give you a passion for drawing, while also helping you to visualize and keep track of features. (Like Cody's scar is on the left side of his face or Captain Ty has two great big scars running around the back of his head.) It's also just fun to see things that live inside your head come out on paper. XD Enjoy! 

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