Monday, November 26, 2012

Death of the Author

Ok, I'm going to kinda rage-write here. :P Well, not really rage-write. More like annoyed-write. Xp

Have you ever read one of those books then discussed it in class and suddenly half the class is commenting on how the author IS some character in the book? (It's mostly in college so I don't expect you to if you haven't made it there quite yet.) While it is interesting for them to compare the author to the character in the book, it has always annoyed me for some reason. I think it is because of the fact that, as a writer, if I really wanted to, I could go through all my characters and plots and melt them down to find the basic experiences in my life that I subconsciously created them from. Not only would this take a lot of time and effort, but it would once more prove the simple fact that literally all written anything is gleaned from a combination of life experiences and other books.

Yeah, it may seem kinda sad at first but it really makes sense. Maybe that's why my sister keeps telling me I should read more. :P (I probably won't though..... ;p ) The truly inspiring stories really come from a more original mix of stories and real-life experiences. That's why I dislike it when people point at some of my female characters and claim they're me. Especially Gretta Orbur because she may resemble me the most. I think it's funny how they don't see my characteristics placed in the male characters. I'd say that I'm pretty much in all my characters so there! >:D I've also used my incredible best friend and bf in much of my characters (because he's so awesome). I probably also use a whole bunch of my family members too!

This is where this blog's title comes in. "Death of the Author" was a 'movement' or something that was kinda a revolt against those (in my opinion) diluted books/stories that really were up to the reader's interpretations, and, thus, were most often connected to their author's lives. While that's all fine and dandy (so long as I don't have to read it! XL ) since there's not much else interesting (once more, in my opinion) about those stories, I'd appreciate it if these same things weren't applied to my stories. I'm not hating on anyone, just giving a kind of feedback on how to think when reading my stuff. If you want to think about how my characters or their experiences are like my life, then go right ahead, I can't stop you. Please take into account the fact that the point of my books is not  to write a biography about myself (I'd write an actual bio if I really wanted to tell you about my life ;) ) but to write a book about a bunch of characters and the crazy stuff that happens to them. This also applies to my artwork. I might use myself as a reference but, by no means, are the characters supposed to represent me as I am not nearly as epic as they are. XD

And now that I'm done ranting here is a peaceful song for you to listen to if you want! ;D

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